Friday, November 25, 2016

O. M. D. I got a new sister...

First of all, HI!!  I'm not going to make excuses.  BUTT, I HAVE to share this news with you all.  There is a long tedious back story to all of this, but suffice to say (did I just say that??) The most important thing is I HAVE A NEW SISTER!!!

So, last Sunday I went to the beach with my pals Macy and Wizard.  Big event.  Nice day.  

On the way home, we stopped at some house.  There was this tiny female rottweiler on a pink leash.  I didn't growl at her.  She didn't growl at me.  She was nice to a dog on the walk we took.  OK.  

All of a sudden, she's loaded into MY OttoMobile and taken to MY house!!  O. M. D. !!!  

She thinks she OWNS my male human, she growls at my mom, and she's TEENSY!!

Her name is Osa which means BEAR.  She is bossy and possessive.  She's hyper and tries to mount me. ME!!!  I weigh 115 pounds.  She weighs 58 pounds.  Please.  She paces.  She's hyper.  BUTT, she is learning to sit, go outside and walk on the leash.  

Wanna come play with me and Mr. Squirrel?  I'm not sure I'm up for this hyper little thing, Blogville...
Jus Sayin'...

Yeah. She's cute.  I'll keep you posted as to how it goes.  

Why am I thankful for Blogville?  Who else would understand my dilemma.  Thanks for listening.

Rottie Kisses, 
Otto and Osa (sigh...)


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh boy, Otto - your life is about to change big time. You know what they say about girls? Girls rule and boys drool.

Woos - Misty (who almost has Lightning wrapped around my little paws)

Pee Ess - Congrats - we think Osa and Otto are going to be best buds soon:)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

WELCOME OSA!!! I applaud you for giving this lovely and lively Osa a chance! I hope she settles in and learns the ropes! And, I'll look forward to getting to know her better!!

Oh, and we totally understand what you're going through too!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

How Fun!! Bet you will be best friends in no time!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Otto, I'm so Hap-Pee Fur ya! She is a cutie! Welcome to Blogville, Osa!

Ruby said...

OH.MY.DOG.!!!!! WooooHooooo!!! Okays, so maybe you don't feel this way YET...butts I thinks she'll grow on ya! Just lookie at that face! Yeah, hyper is hard to gets used to...Ma is STILL trying to get used to it! BOL!!
I thinks you and Osa are gonna be BFFFFFF's in no time!
Welcome to Blogville Osa! (and, hey, take it easy on Otto...☺)
Ruby ♥

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

WELCOME TO BLOGVILLE OSA!!! Now Otto - u gotta give her a chance tue git settled in an'uze tue YOUR roo-tine. You gotta give her sum rulez tue live by an'set sum boundriez BUTT she lookz like one smart woofy (an'such a cutie tue!!).

(Hey Osaa - over here. Shhh - now just b-tween us ladiez, u gotta due a little give an'take with Otto. Let him feel like he knowz best - guyz like tue feel like that. There wuz sum dayz when me an'angel Shiloh - my big bro who went tue the Rainbow Bridge - wood haf a great game of tug with hiz toy BUTT when the game ended, he wood let me haf the toy - he wuz like that sumtimez.)
Lady Shasya of Beaglebratz Manor

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
Aaarrrrooooooooo to Osa!!! Otto, it is so good go see you posting and I can tell you are going to need a shoulder to wail on from time to time as you adjust to having the energy of youth about you again... Blogville's got your back buddy! I am sure you will have Osa in order before long. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Duke said...

What wonderful news, Otto! We are so happy for you! Yup, girls can be real bossy! Welcome, Osa!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

soooo you got your Christmas present early??? BOL BOL.. she is beautiful. enjoy your new boss

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Dear Otto, I admire your patience, restraint and open mind. Osa will be under your spell, soon. Just like the rest of us!

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Otto she looks like she will be a handful for a while. We just know that soon enough you two will be getting along just great. She sure is a cutie but you are one of the handsomest pups in Blogville (that last bit was from Millie).

easyweimaraner said...

you got a super beautiful sister... and I love her name...and the meaning of Osa... that's a wonderful thing to have a name with a meaning and not just a name what makes the people laugh... like mine...

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OSA ... we WELCOME you to Blogville. You and Otto will have a super time together... ONCE HE gets used to having you around... BUTT you Can NOT growl at the Mom... SHE is the one who opens the Cans and Bags and Fridge thingy.

OMD OTTO... you have a SISTER. That is gonna make fur some SERIOUS changes...

WFT Nobby said...

Oh my goodness Otto that is grrrreat news. Welcome to Osa. You two are going to rub along fine together, I just know it.
Toodle pip!
PS My autocorrect keeps changing Osa to Osama...

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

So happy you finally shared the news!!!! We lubz her! And you too Big Guy!!!

Auntie and MB

Sue said...

Oh boy, Otto, your life is about to change a lot. She's going to really test you, but don't worry, you get to teach her the right way to do stuff. You'll be a great big brother and in no time she'll adore you.
Fudge and the Portie Pack

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We know all about those cute, little siblings. At first, everyone wants to play with them, but then it calms down and you'll be the boss again. But there's lots to teach her. At least a new pup isn't as hard to train as peeps. We know you and Osa will be great mates!

Coppa's girl said...

You are one lucky boy Otto. You have a cute little sister who will look up to you, and you can teach her the ways of the world.
We wish we had a handsome big brother like you.

Petite-Chose and Inca xx
(Two yellow Lab girls - one French, and one Spanish - living in Spain)

Cowspotdog said...

Poor Otto - you are doomed - a girl in the house, a bossy possessive one - doomed doomed dommed - it means you will love her in no time :)

Linda said...

Well you have to admit she is cute.
She will be your best girl soon.
Have fun teaching her all the new stuff.

KB said...

Welcome Osa!!!!!!! I love your name! And you are such a cutie! How old are you? You are already bigger than either R or Shyla. I bet that you and Otto are going to be best friends! I am SO happy for you ❤️😒😄

Leigh said...

Wow Otto - Osa is very cute. I am sure you will soon be the best of friends - nose licks and love from Moth xx

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello otto its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a sister!!! hoo is bossy!!! and hyper!!! and wont leev yoo alone!!! ar yoo shoor her naym is osa and not saya the mighty??? ha ha ha!!! but seerusly hav fun with yore noo sister it is gud to hav a frend arownd the howse yoo too wil be best buddeez soon i am shoor of it!!! ok bye

Val said...

What fun to have a new little sis, you'll have fun teaching her the ropes and in no time you'll be the best of pals.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

She is a real cutie, Otto! We bet you and she will be playing together on the beach in no time!!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bil

Braeden and Seth said...

She's a cutie! I totally understand...She brought not one, but TWO new brothers to MY house. It took me a while, but now we're (mostly) BFFs. Welcome Osa! Happy to meet you. You're gonna love it here!
Braeden (and Seth and Riley, the brothers)

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, a new sissy!!! I know little sisters are kind of a pain at furst, but they're worth in later. So glad to meet you, Osa!!

The Daily Pip said...

A new sister! How exciting! Welcome Osa! So glad you have a wonderful home and big brother.

The Army of Four said...

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Unknown said...

Oh Otto, great news!!!
Sounds like you have a lot to teach a young pup, be patient with her.

Jo's World said...

Put on your teaching hat, dear Otto, and help her learn the ropes. You will do well and have a good little sister to have fun with.

Hugs and scratches from Jo and Stella

Unknown said...

Hi Otto - long time no see! You are still as gorgeous as ever - just LOVE that picture of you standing at the door looking out - OMG, look at that adorable face!!!!! :-)

Congrats on getting a new sister - I laughed when I read your post and then hers. I think you're being an absolute gentleman and she is a very lucky girl. :-)

Wishing you lots of happy times together!

Best wishes,
Hsin-Yi (& an Evil Eye from Muesli ;-) )

Anonymous said...

Oh but shes sooooo cute! I want to squishy her! You will luvs her! I don't even have to use my magic powers to see into the future for that... the muddy paws are on the wall-- as they say in dog world.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Congratulations on your new sister, Osa. We know that you will show her the correct manners around the household. Love the photos of her. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Rahul Saha said...

Great Post. Keep update your blog.
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