Sunday, October 5, 2014

Black and White Bart

Hi Everybody!  Thank you so much for all your thoughts, POTP, AireZen and stuffs.  I'm really feeling the betterments.  I'm eating, as usual, I'm happy, and I'm hardly limping at all.  The dogtor who stole my toe said I didn't need a bandage change 'till next Friday, butt I'm going to go and see Dr. Sarah on Tuesday, cuz I miss her and I miss all the treats Jaime gives me!!

I hope you all have a good Sunday, and again,
thanks for keeping me in your thoughts!



Unknown said...

I am glad you are feeling better.

Little Miss Titch said...

heal up quick my friend,xx SPeedy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you look FANTASTIC and so sweet

Anne-Mari said...

That's great that you feel better and you look good! ♥

GOOSE said...

Sooooo happy to hear you are feeling better. Extra treats will help you feel even BETTER. It always helps me.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE are thrilled that you are doing FANGtastic, Buddy.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Pawfect portrait! Continue healing well dear Bart. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Bart dude you take it easy pal. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

Bart - we are so happy you are doing well - that makes us smile and happy

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great news. You'll be runnin' with the pack soon.

Your eyebrow spots looks like headlamps....BOL!

Two French Bulldogs said...

So happy you are on the mend. We will keep our feets crossed
Lily & Edward

KB said...

I'm so happy that everything is going so smoothly, handsome Bart!

You are so lucky about the infrequent bandage changes. K's bone infection meant that I had to take her to the vet *daily* for bandage changes.

I hope that everyone is doting on you, Bart!

Duke said...

We are so happy that you're feeling better, Bart! We'll continue to send lots of positive thoughts and AireZen!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Linda said...

Happy Crazy love to you Bart.
Glad to hear you are doing much better.
xo Cinnamon

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good to see you, Handsome Bart!!! Hope your foot is doing better and better every day.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Millie and Walter said...

Looking good Bart. We're happy to hear you are feeling well.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That is wonderful news

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Brat I too am so happy to hear you are doing so well!!! YAY!!!
I had a ruff week-end myself. Had a bad fall!!!

Ruby said...

OMD!! Bart, you look ManTastic dude!!! I am SOOOOOO glads you are feelin' chipper and on the mend. And, I am glads you are gonna go see the nice 'treat lady' Tues and gets lots of treaties!! Hey, gets a couple for me, k? ☺
Sendin' a good supply of AireZens and POTP!!
Ruby ♥

TexWisGirl said...

poor baby! glad all is healing well!

My Mind's Eye said...

Bart you handsome hunk...Black and white suits you
Hugs madi your bfff sending kitty kisses.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Bart I am happy to read that you are feeling better and hardly limping. We continue it keep you in the POTP that they took all the nasty away and that you will be totally healthy again. Lookin Great in your Black and White Bart.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Sue said...

We're all glad that you're feeling better. Take it easy and let your foot rest. The peeps will wait on you, so don't overdo.

How Sam Sees It said...

So glad things are looking up and you are feeling better!

Monty and Harlow

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh Bart! So glad you are feeling better. You're not even gonna miss that old toe! Love and kisses, Auntie and Macy Blue

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Oh no Bart, look at your paw!! Is it feeling better? I hope you're getting lots of bacon to make up for it. Heal fast, friend!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Brat so glad you are getting better--ME TOO

Ryker said...

Pray'in for your paw!

White Dog Blog said...

You are looking very handsome...and like you are recovering well. Sending our White Dog healing energies that you get totally unwrapped soon and will be good to go nonstop for a long long long time without any more problems.

Anonymous said...

I hope your paw is much better soon and you can run and jump. I hope you got good news on tuesday dear Bart

bbes tribe said...

Hey Bart, we been missing and didn't know about your toe. But are happy to know you are doing better and eating.. Keeping good thoughts for you.
Ernie Chica Lucas Rosie and Louie

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Oh gosh, I haven't been by for a while and so just learned of your toe. You sure do look handsome and so glad you're doing better. POTP to you, your precious paw, and your whole family!

2browndawgs said...

I am way behind. Hope the paw is better and better. :)

Sage said...

Oh, Bart. I've been so derelict. Your poor toe..I know licking it is THE BEST, but I bet that's not what gonna happen.'s a virtual lick just from me!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy to see you and glad we are both working to get all better!!!

The Boston Lady said...

Bart, I have been quite remiss dealing with human trivialities.....Please feel better soon and give your mom a hug. She, as your publicist, has a lot on her plate.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I'm having one of my spasmodic blog reading catchups so I'm slow learning about Bart's toe problems. I do hope the fact that you haven't blogged for a couple of weeks means you've been too busy and not that there is a problem with Bart's recovery. Thinking of you and hoping everything is going smoothly with him. Hugs to you both.

The Daily Pip said...

Glad you are feeling better, Bart. Did you get the magic cheeseburger I sent you ...that must have helped!

Your pal, Angel Pip (let out on good behavior for anniversary)

Sweet William The Scot said...

I hope Bart is continuing to make strides to full health.
Thanks for stopping by my blog
Sweet William The Scot

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Brat you are probably doing better then i am

Smile With Your Tail said...

Feel better soon, gorgeous photo.


Matilda the Boxer said...

To answer your question on my blog: Egypt is a boxer mix. Her momma was a boxer, but she played coy and wouldn't tell us who the daddy was! There are sometimes black boxers. Technically they're brindles. "Reverse brindles" are when the black stripes are the biggest and the brown/orangey stripes are small. Sometimes the brown/orangey stripes get so tiny they're unnoticeable or not even there at all, so they look solid black. Those are called "sealed brindles."

Scooter said...

Need some information. We can't find the card info from last year. Can u send blog addy, email addy and mailing addy to me for the card list? Thanks
Send to

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

hope ya feeling better, pal!


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello bart its dennis the vizsla dog hay trixie and i just wanted to send yoo sum tail wags for no partikyoolar reezon!!! hope yoo ar all dooing wel!!! ok bye

Wyatt said...

Your eyebrows are awesome in Black and White!
Oh no, the dogtor stole your toe! Sorry I am just finding out about this now. Sending hugs,


Sage said...

Awww, Bart. I do some pretty good kisses. Here's some heading your way!! 🐶

Linda said...

Hi Bart,
I came by to check on you.
Hope your doing much better now.

My Mom said I need to tell you
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
If your team is playing football on that day we hope your team wins too.
xo Cinnamon

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Bart, hope you're all well now.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend!

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

fromsophiesview said...

I sure hope y'all is doing fine ~ it's almost 2 months hey it is 2 months since you posted last.

I'm still kicking but Daddy gets zonked sometimes so hasn't been around a whole lot. He's working on it though!

Sophie and Ron

Jacobi said...

Dear Bart (and everyone else),

Thank-you for continuing to visit us, even though you are not positing yourselves! We are happy about your comments! We hope everything is going well, and that everyone is healthy down there...


Asta said...

Sweetest Bawt..I'm hoping that yoow footie is by now totally well, I'm so sowwy you had to go thwoo this..sank you fow witing me..I send my smoochies to you and Wuby and Otto and yoow pawents
wif love
Asta and Mommi

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello bart its dennis the vizsla dog hay yore mama wuz asking abowt my sister trixies handels on yore behaff so i wanted to come and tel yoo abowt them!!! trixie duz not like to tawk abowt her accout … accoutrem … wel ennyway her luggadj handels but i did wunse kompoze a rap for her abowt wich yoo can reed at also yoo can find her handels wich ar calld helpemups at they ar verry helpful for gitting her into and owt of the car!!! if yoo hav diffikulty jumping up to the car i am shoor they wood help yoo too!!! ok bye