Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Selfie and an Update on US

by Otto

Happy Sunday everybloggie!  My Auntie Creekhiker took this picture of me while she was tossing me treats for a Chewy Review.  Aren't I the cutest???  I'm not licking my nose because of a facial focal seizure though. Dr. Sarah started me on a pill called zonisamide.  I have been completely seizure-free since starting the full dose.  How totally pawsome is that?  I'm in excellent health and have been walking regularly with either my girl Aria, the 10 month old rottie girl or my girl Macy Blue.  I'm a pretty happy guy.  I have also taken over Bart's spot on the bed!!!  Life is good for the Otto.


Below is a picture of my sissy Ruby schooling Macy Blue in the fine art of restaurant dining.  Ruby has developed a sort of weird condition called "mega esophagus."  Basically, her esophagus has lost it's muscle tone and is all stretched out so it doesn't really push the foodables down into her tummy like it should.  If the food sits too long she barfs it up.  She can and has aspirated some of that liquid and has gotten pneumonia a couple of times.  Mom and our new vet, Dr. Ann, have been working together to help Ruby be her most comfortable.  The last couple of days she has gotten to have a crushed carafate mixed with baby food which sort of coats and soothes her esophagus and tummy and THEN she gets to eat!!  On top of that, she's getting to eat three small meals instead of two.  That's like 6 meals a day!!!  OMD!  The medecines seem to be helping her not cough and hack and barf so much.  I'm so glad.  Sometimes mom sneaks me some of the baby foodables.  It's very yummy.  

Me and Ruby both miss Bart very much.  He was a wonderful, gentle and kind pack leader to both of us when we came to live here at Casa de RottRover.   Mom, especially misses him.  She says that he was the most "attuned" dog she's ever had.  They could sort of read each other's minds.  I'm working to learn that skill.  I'm a very good boy - especially when I'm off-leash.  I always come when called.  Mom sings out OTTOOTTOOTTO!!!  I'm right by her side zippety quick.  We're also going to the beach about once a month which is awesome.  

So that's the update.  We send special rottie kisses to all of you!

-Otto, with help from Ruby


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OTTOOTTOOTTO!!! Oh well it was worth a try... &*> Have missed seeing your bonny face and that top picture is a TOP PICTURE!!! What a super update and am so glad to read that life is pretty good for you now and all your pals too. Big huggies to you and mum... wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We are THRILLED to hear that the Pill has totally Worked fur you.

AND we just ADORE that Picture of you, Otto!! It is FUNNY...

The Daily Pip said...

I'm glad Ruby is starting to feel better! And so happy to see both of you - how lucky you are that you get to hang out with Macy Blue!

I'm sure you all miss Bart so much ...sending lots of love across the miles.

Cowspotdog said...

you guys have been having a rough time but we know how much you are loved by each other and that together you will work through everything. We have our paws crossed for you both

Jacobi said...

Dear Otto and Ruby,

Nice to hear from you! Otto, Ojo says that the two of you must be cousins, even though you look nothing alike. But apparently you act alike. So you are cousins, clearly.

Also, we are glad to hear that your face is not making mistakes any more!

Ruby, you are lucky that you have such a pawesome person to take care of you like this! And six meals a day... Yes please!!!

Keep staying healthy, friends!


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Happy to hear that Ruby is feeling better. Take care!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

HER wolfhound had that condition. Happy to hear that you can maintain it. Otto, sounds like things are looking up for you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That pic of you, Otto, tells us just how special and yummy that treat must have been. We are happy to hear that your meds are doing the trick for your seizures. And Ruby, we are so sorry you have to go through this - must be so hard on your Mom - but thank dogness for vets who know the right things to do for us. We hope the meds and the eating regime keep you well and feeling good. Thanks for the update, and we need to see more of both of you. We understand totally how much you miss Bart; as you can imagine, we are missing our special boy a lot too.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Kukkaiselämää said...

I'm happy to hear you're doing well with Ruby. Such a funny pic of you, Otto. Hugs, mickey and Satu

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We have had two dog with mega esophagus, and know how tricky it can be--I'm glad that Ruby is doing great with the meds, and those small meals make a difference too!

It was good to catch your update, I hope you've had a good weekend!! Take care!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh Otto Rotto! You are so cute!!! MB and I love you oh so much and we just adore Miss Ru!!!

We miss your big bro something fierce too! He was so special!!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi and thanks for the update. Otto you have a very fine tongue, and that is brilliant news that your seizure medicine is working well and you are enjoying walkies. So sorry about Ruby's oesophagus thingie, and when I suggested an illness involving six meals a day and yummy foodables wasn't all bad Gail reminded me that vomiting is horrid for all concerned and pneumonia more so, and of course she is right, and no wonder your blogging time has been a bit short recently.
Wishing you all, all the best.
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Seizure-free! Nice to hear from you Otto! And that is a nice tongue shot! Hugs to you and your sisters!

easyweimaraner said...

it's great that the pill chased that seizures away and that you have tons of fun with TWO!
Kisses& hugs to your Ruby...
...and yes, I miss your Bart too...
easy rider

Duke said...

We're so happy that you're getting the upper hand on these seizures, Otto! This is great news! Six meals a day for Ruby? Whatever works, right! We're sending AireZen for the both of you!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So hap-pee that things are looking up at your house with your seizures and Ruby's new condition. We'll keep right on sending POTP anyway. Thank you FUR the updates.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good news your meds are working and you look fantastic.. sorry to hear Ruby has the swallowing problems.. hugs to all of you

2browndawgs said...

Happy to read your update friends.

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's a fangtastic picture, Otto, and even better that the evil seizure monster hasn't been visiting you!! That's grreat news! I'm sorry to hear about Ruby's condition, but it sounds like y'all have that under control too. Phew!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Hey!!! Nice to see you! Glad that Otto is doing well, Ruby - sorry sweetie you are having some eating issues. Hope the new routine will help
hugs and love
Mr bailey, hazel & mabel

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Those are some really cute pictures! I think the shelter had a dog with megaesophagous recently, and they helped that dog by putting him in a special contraption that made him sit up when he gravity worked in his favor. Sounds like you have a good system worked out too Ruby--hope it works well for you!

KB said...

I love seeing photos of both of you, Otto and Ruby. I sure hope that Ruby's mega-esophagus can be managed. That sounds very tough. I'm thinking of you.

I'm sure you all do miss Bart. He was an amazing dog, and I miss seeing him on your blog.

It sounds as if you're having a blast, Otto, with treat-tasting and beach trips. You are both lucky dogs!

Thanks for the post. We love knowing what's going on with all of you!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Otto you girl magnet two girls. I am happy you are seizure free and pray it stays that way. That tongue says it all in the treat department ~ mighty lickin good stuff. Ruby I hope the treatment continues to works for your esophagus.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot


The picture of your tongue is pawsome. Glad to hear that the pills are working for you seizures. I bet that your Mom is happy they are working so well.

Hope that Ruby gets better.

Dog Speed,


tubby3pug said...

we had a friends dog who had megaesphogus he did very well for several years. They got him a donut shaped collar thingy to wear after he ate to deal with the megaesphogus

retro rover

Marjie said...

Excellent update, Otto, for which we thank you. I'm so glad you are such a good boy for Mom, and helping to fill the hole Bart left in her heart. Have fun at the beach!

Sue said...

Those must have been some really good treats for all that tongue work.
Glad to hear that you're now seizure free. Those things are scary for everybody. That esophagus condition sounds like a real bummer. Our friend Zeus had that and it drove his Mom crazy trying to get food to stay down. Hope your system works well and Ruby keeps her food where it belongs.

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear you both are doing well and that your doctor has found some medicines that help you feel better. We love that tongue picture!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Otto, you look so handsome and I am so happy that your meds are helping the seizure monster go away. I am sorry that Ruby has to go through what she has. I hope there is a good solution for all of you.

Loveys Sasha

The Army of Four said...

Sending lots of hugs to both of you!!!
Happy to see an update from you.

Bailey Be Good! said...

Beautiful photo. Sending much love to you from all of us! ~Bailey & family <3

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

So glad y'all have found a special vet to help y'all feel better.

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

P.S..I've moved to

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello otto and ruby its dennis the vizsla dog hay i had not herd that ruby has meg ... mega ... wel i had not herd abowt rubys kondishun i am glad she is dooing better and the noo vet has sum ideeas!!! mama and dada wunse wer lukking at sumthing kalld a bailey chair i think for tucker altho he wuz never diagnosd with meg ... mega ... wel ennyway they never got wun of those chairs so i do not no how they reely wurk!!! i am glad yoo ar dooing wel with the seezhurs stay away seezhurs we do not want them heer!!! ok bye