Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wonky Wednesday on Tuesday

I have to have a "Neuro Consult."

I don't even know what that is.

Dr. Sarah says that I'm walking really funny and it's not just the Arthritis sickie.  

My Publicist contacted Twinkie's M because Twinkie's brother Ziggy had a problem and M gave the Publicist the name of the Dr. who treated him who M really likes and trusts.  

I'm still a happy boy.  I boss the Publicist around by barking at her if I want to come to the room she's in cuz I can't always get up on my own - especially if she's around!!  Now the Publicist is having acupuncture and chiropractic on her back from lifting me!!  BOL!!  

Anyway, we'll keep you posted.  My appointment is on Monday.  Otto wants to tell you about all his fun adventures over the summer, so he's gonna be taking over the blog for the next few posts.  

Thank you all for your support!




Val said...

Sending your POTP and praying for wisdom for your dogtor!! Maybe you and mom will have to go and have acupuncture together. Be well my friend.

Cowspotdog said...

You are soooooo handsome Bart we know the new doctor will love you.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH BART ... BUDDY we are SO VERY SORRY to hear that you are having so much troubles right now.. WE will Cross our Paws... REALLY TIGHT.. and Send you some POTP.. fur your appointment.
Keep us posted on how you are doing. We will be worried.

Dachshund Nola said...

POTP to you!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am sending lots of love and healing bubbles to yu my friend- and some peace and love also for your family,
We keep you in our thoughts

Millie and Walter said...

Hi Bart, We will cross our paws and send you good healing vibes so you can get better and then your publicist will get better too.

Millie & Walter

Jo's World said...

Hey Big Bart! I want you to know I am sending you the Power of 10 paws (our Mom only has two) and we are making prays for you that you will get fixed up fast by this very good dogtor. You are one of our favorite pups and that you trust your little brother with your blog for many days only amazes us.

Big hugs to you and Mom, we want her to be very OK too.

Jo, Stella, Zkhat

Lorenza said...

My paws are crossed for you.
I am sure everything is going to be ok!
Kisses and hugs

Berts Blog said...

Bart buddy, know that I am thinking about you all week and will check back in on Monday. BE WELL my friend

Ruby said...

Hey Bart, dude, I knows the new Dogtor is just gonna loves you and gets you on the right track so you can gets all betters!! I am keepin' my paws crossed real tight for you, and your Moms poor back!
Ruby ♥

houndstooth said...

You don't have that crazy Vestibular disease, do you? That can look really scary, but isn't so bad. Whatever it is, I hope that you're feeling better soon! We girls are all sending nose kisses!

Bunny, Flattery and Morgan

WFT Nobby said...

Dear BArt, I am sorry that you are wonky, and that the Publicist is having problems too. Sending good health vibes to all the family from across the Pond. Good luck on Monday.
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

Bart sending healing vibes and POTP. Hope it all goes well and we hope mums' back will be OK. Have a wonderful Wednesday all.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Our paws are tightly crossed for you, Bart!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

3 doxies said...

Oh Bart, dis just totally sucks! Please knows dat I is thinkin' really good and strong thoughts fur you. And dat nuttin' serious is goin' on...I gives you lots of hugs and love.
Tells everybuddy I miss 'em.


bettyj said...

So sorry Bart. Hope you feel better soon. I have felt bad this week too. My person is going out of town and that doesn't make me happy.

bettyj said...

That comment above was from me Dasko, not bettyj

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

We're sending lots of healing juju your way!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hugs and prayers coming at you sweet Bart. your face is just soooo beautiful... poor Mom having to lift you, but she is a good mom and will help you. hope the new doc can help

Leigh said...

Sending POTP and schnauzer hugs Bart. Hope the doctor can help you - take care. We're all thinking of you here - woofs and licks from Magic & family xx

Two French Bulldogs said...

All our paws are crossed for you. Lilys is excellent and well known.
Dr. Berry neurologist
So. Cal veterinary Specialty Hospital in Irvine, where we go now for Benny

Idaho PugRanch said...

All pug paws crossed for you, handsome Bart! Thinkin of you and your Mom
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ryker said...

Oh crap, sure hope it is something easily fixed!

KB said...

Oh Bart, I was hoping that you were all better. I was really hoping with all my heart. I hope the neuro can help you.

That second photo of you melts my heart. You are such an incredibly handsome boy with earnest eyes.

Matilda the Boxer said...

We're all keeping our paws crossed here for some good news!

My Mind's Eye said...

Bart sweetie....you have the most adorable face and very positive 'tude...keep bossing the staff or they will become slack.
I love your bandana.
Lots of hugs madi your bfff

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Bart, sorry you've been wonky mate. Sorry your mum's back has been a bit wonky too. We hope the Dr can help fix ya up. Take care. No worries (especially at the Drs) and LOVE, Stella and Rory

Kari in Alaska said...

Sending you our love Bart

Stop on by for a visit

White Dog Blog said...

Dear Bart, a neuro consult proves just how important and loved you are! We are sending our strongest White Dog positive thoughts that things will go well and that the solution to your pain is easy. We continue to send healing energies; Nuka gives you a Nuka boot up for your mastery of getting the humans trained to respond to your requests...she does the same thing.

The Army of Four said...

I wonder what the Neuro wants to consult with you about! Whatever it is, and whatever it means, we're sure you'll give good advice!
Mom said to say we'll be praying for you. I have no idea what she's talking about.
Play bows

Sue said...

Oh Bart, we're so sorry that it hurts to get up. Mom bought a sling so she could help Tsar and then Morgan because of her knees. She only needs it to get up and sometimes on the stairs. Please let us know how you're feeling because we think of you often.
Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i do hope all will be well!

Chris said...

Bart, sending you lots of hugs and pets. Hope you get better.

2browndawgs said...

I am so far behind. Hope the appointment went well.