Monday, February 18, 2013

OTTO Update

Well, Otto's been with us for just over a week.  What a character he is!  He knows his name already and comes when called. (huh??) He sits for his food, he shakes, lies down, and seems to like everyone - human and canine alike.  

Bart has become the alpha dog for the first time in his life!  As a puppy he lived with bossy Angel Allie, then Gizmo was bossy, then Ruby just sort of slipped into the role.  Well, now Otto defers to him, waits for him to go first, will not get on the bed unless Bart is already there, is respectful of Bart's slightest grrrr...Bart's loving life!  

Ruby, who seems to bring out the playful side of everyone, brings that out in Otto, too.  It's just that she has some pretty severe arthritis in her right elbow and doesn't want to be pushed.  She sets limits with Otto by barking at him, and he barks back at her, and she barks at him, but he is always submissive; laying down, lowering his head, rolling over on his back.  They both think he's a little rough, but he is respectful.  And he's 2 and they are 8.  

Here's where I need your help...I love laying on my bed and reading.  Otto thinks this is play time.  He bites my arm - playfully but hard!  He won't stop.  Every dog I've ever had would stop if I said, "OUCH!" or something.  Not his guy.  If I tell him to get off the bed he does and then jumps right back on.  

Finally yesterday I "claimed the space" on the bed and visualized him laying on his dog bed - no command or anything - and he instantly got down and layed on his bed.  It actually worked twice.  Any other suggestions for "extinguishing" this arm biting behavior?  He's playing a game, but I don't like it.  I've substituted my arm with a wubba or another toy, but I think that just excites him and I need him to calm down.  Any ideas?  


Dachshund Nola said...

He's so handsome! And I love how lean he is (I know you said he's too skinny, but I like my dogs thin).

Get up after yelping (like a stepped on puppy), and ignore him completely for about 30sec-1min. Worked with Nola.
Nola's Mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom says she transported Otto's East Khoast female twin on Sunday...

It was the hardest she ever worked on a transported...Georgia wanted attention all 75 miles ;-)

Love the new blog header....or that rearer?


GOOSE said...

I think Nola has a good suggestion. I love how Otto is fitting right in. The last photo is great.

bbes tribe said...

Love the cute butt shots on your header. I arm biting is not good even if I. "Play". I like what you did I. Claiming your space. Nola had a good idea too. Good luck.
Ernie's mom Barb

georgia little pea said...

Afraid I don't have any ideas other than to push the arm/elbow INTO his mouth. This should make it uncomfortable for Otto and force him to release his grip. It works for dogs that like to bite hands but it might be easier to push in a fist rather than an arm, so don't know if it'll work! Ignoring him should help too. They hate being ignored.

Alpha Bart must be so happy :)

What Remains Now said...

So glad that Otto has found his home so nicely. Love the new header!

houndstooth said...

I'm so glad he's fitting in and doing well! He seems like such a sweet boy.

Kuster is a really drivey dog and he can be rough when he wants me to play, too. I'd send him to his crate for a little bit if he's getting too rough with you. If you have to keep sending him off the bed to make your point, do that. If he tries it twice and you send him off, and then he tries it a third time when you're tired and you don't correct him, you're saying "it's okay after three tries." He seems like a smart dog, I think he'll get it pretty quickly!

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm glad Otto's settling into the pack so well. He sounds like a swell guy!

Millie and Walter said...

I think you have had some good suggestions so far. I love your new header picture and I'm happy that Otto is fitting into the pack nicely.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Roxy sometimes plays like that. She gets a 'NO' and then ignored. It does work. Sounds like you've got a teenage dog who wants to do what he wants to do.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

WFT Nobby said...

Bertie does that to my ankles when I sit on the bed of with my feet raised on the sofa. I use the same diversionary tactics with toys, with mixed results. If the hard play biting behaviour persists he gets excluded from the room for five minutes, which always works. Another solution is time! Over the past three years Bertie has calmed down a lot.
But so glad you're enjoying Otto, and that he's mostly fitting right in.

Flo de Sendai said...

Hello hello, Rott friends !!!
Hugs from the Japanese/French Corgis !!!

Flo, Nana, and UYanga.

Dandy Duke said...

It sounds like Otto is doing fabulously for the most part and yelling ouch and ignoring the behavior has always worked for us for bitey issues.
We love your new header photo!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Leigh said...

So good to see Otto fitting in well with Bart and Ruby - he is a beautiful boy! Hope he learns not to bite you very soon though - that's no fun at all! Woofs and licks from Magic xx

Unknown said...

So happy to hear that Otto has settled down so well and the most important thing is he gets along well with Bart and Ruby and the humans too. Otto is so cute and handsome.

Try to ignore him or yell your 'OUCH' as loud as possible when he is rough. I think he is just being playful as he is only two years old and I'm sure he will learn fast.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

So glad Otto is fitting in! The Rotti bum header is awesome!

Donsistency! You know Rotties can be stubborn, so you just need to wait him out on the biting. Work on his down stays, with rewards, to get him past that arm biting thing. He'll get it. Down stays aren't near so much fun as snuggling!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Otto is so handsome...and a typical puppy. I have a similar problem with Shelby except that instead of chewing on me, she runs off with my skein of yarn if I'm trying to crochet. The only thing that seems to help is a firm NO, and then put her out of the room and close the door. When I let her back in later, she's calmed down enough to take a nap on the bed with me. The other pup (Pepper) is even younger than Shelby but is completely the opposite when I'm on the bed. She takes full advantage of a chance to cuddle up as close as she can for a nice nap.

Love your new header. Reminds me of the old threesome!

Unknown said...

We hope you get Otto sorted out. Good luck but it sounds like you have most things in hand. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

2browndawgs said...

Oh yeah been there done that with my 3 mouthy Chessies. I use a high pitched sort of "owww". I also teach "no biting" and I have been known to use a deep voice for that. I also teach "kisses only". I praise when I get a lick and not a bite. It sounds weird, but it has worked for me.

Good luck. It sounds like everyone is settling in. :)

bettyj said...

Love the three butterflies!!! I admire you so much for rescuing Otto. coming when called is awesome. Dasko is the first of all mine that will actually do that. The others would look at me and just keep going. You will solve the arm biting, I know you will. He is going to make you a wonderful companion.

Cowspotdog said...

He is testing the boundaries of where YOU are in the pack ...he doesn't see you as top dog at the moment and that is something you need to be.

There are lots of ways and options to help - just do some reading online and find one you are comfortable with

Anonymous said...

the picture is great - I love it. It's so nice to read good news about Otto:o)

Remington said...

Beth here....Mr. Remington does that too when he tries to be funny. I don't care for it but everything we have tried never worked. I do give him a toy to play with....sometimes it works....I blame myself because when he was little he would lay in my lap and I would rub his teeth. He would go right to sleep. Maybe he thinks it's a good thing to grab my hand....who knows what they think....ha ha! Just gotta love the big guys!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Otto is adorable. Do you think same breed dogs know they are the same breed and get along better and faster? We do. We get along better and faster with other Frenchies
Benny & Lily

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LOVE the new HEADER Tailer. hehehe

So very GLAD that OTTO is fitting in so well.

Declan said...

Hey welcome Otto mate! You sure have landed on your paws! Deccy x

Kari in Alaska said...

Otto! We hear you marked your new house. Better stop doing that!

Stop on by for a visit

Ina in Alaska said...

I am way behind on what's going on due to my laptop having been at rehab for quite a long time!

Otto is a gorgeous boy. Sorry about how he finds your arm tasty but don't have any ideas!!! Hope you have an arm left when Otto figures out how to quit sampling your arm!!!

The Heartbeats said...

My boxers don't really do this anymore. Now the GSD puppies that come in my home from time to time are often unbearable with the arm biting.Quite honestly I just say ouch or no and walk away and ignore. I never play with them that way. I know some people don't like a pinch collar for corrections but it may work in this case. I reserve it only for issues that may develop into truly harmful behavior. As you know, much like a boxer and a GSD, those rottie "play" bites are no joke!

He's a dollbaby and my guess is that Otto will grow out of it as he gets more acclimated to his home.

Mamma Heartbeat

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Glad to hear that Otto is fitting right in ... LOVE your new blog header. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Tanya Breese said...

what a great update and i love all the rottie butts in your new header! i forgot but ozzy liked to put my arm in his mouth, he's stopped though, by accident'll get it figured out! i bet bart is happy to finally have someone to boss around :D

Marjie said...

Welcome to the pack, Otto! I'm so happy that you have found a new pack to join. Bart, congrats on the newfound leadership role; I know you'll be exemplary! I don't know what to tell you about Otto's biting, however. But he's a nice addition to your family.

Ruby said...

Oh Otto is just a cutie!! I thinks I'm in loves!! BOL
The play biting is a tricky one sometimes. What works for some dogs doesn't work for others. I've tried the 'yelping' thing with Ruby, but it just excited her more. I tried the 'ouch', kinda worked. The only thing that worked with her was for me to say 'nice', she would stop and lick me instead. Now, this only works for ME. Not with anyone else. Why? Oh, who knows...she's a WEIRD dog.
Oh, BTW, the 'nice' is always followed up by a toy or a good scratchy session.
My final advise, is just try it all. Find what works and..YEA!
Good luck!
(Ruby's Ma)

Fenris and Family said...

Sorry we don't have any ideas to solve your problem. Our Mommy doesn't allow dogs on the bed, we thinks this is very rude and unfair as the cats get to get on the bed.

Ryker said...

Otto sounds like a wonderful new family member. When I do something mama doesn't like she will turn her back to me. I just hate to be ignored!

Frank The Tank said...

Firstly, when I was rough as a puppy mum would make a loud high yelp and move away from me, she also replaced her hand (your arm) with a rope toy without saying anything, just a silent "take this instead" I hope this works for you or that you find a way to help you, it is only trying to play but anything that hurts isn't fun!

Love all the photos in this post, love the new header, there is nothing as nice as three rotty bottoms, so cute and petteble, I love how Otto has settled in so very well and that Ruby and Bart like playing with him and that Otto respects them, it sounds like everyone is very happy! Mum adores rottys and thinks that's you all are gorgeous and handsome! Love that you all smile real big for your photos!
Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank XxxxX

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Ignoring seems to be the consensus here... I still think a spray in the face might work too.

Love the "new" header....BOL!

Anonymous said...

We never had a rottie do that arm biting so I don't have a suggestion as to a cure. We do however have a female boxer that loves to nibble on hands when we go for a walk. She walks along and then stops to nibble on our hands and then walks some more. As long as she just 'play' nibbles I don't have a problem with this behavior.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Otto is so beautiful- and we are so happy for him and you both!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hmmm we have had that problem. We got lots of chew toys for them and they just seemed to gorw out of it eventually.

My Mind's Eye said...


The Daily Pip said...

Welcome Otto! Sorry I am late but my assistant is an airhead and can't seem to get her act together for timely introductions and other basic tasks. Sigh ...

I don't have much advice on the biting issue. Sorry.

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Otto is working out! Well, with the dogs at least, not with biting your arm... He's still young, so Bart and Ruby may very well think he's a bit rambunctious, but it sounds like they let him know their boundaries quite well.

Now if only you could let him know your boundaries. It's hard to get dogs to understand us because, well, they're dogs and we're humans! :) I say go with the other people that have said to "yelp" or scream when he bites you and to jump up and walk out of the room. That's a pain when you're trying to read or do something, but after a few times, he should get the picture. You're doing good to claim your space and putting him in his dog bed. Be sure you don't laugh or pet him or anything like that when he bites your arm, he'll think you like it (duh, you probably already know everything I'm saying!).

Anyway, you probably knew all that already, but there it is (again) for you! ;) Your crew looks mighty handsome (and in Ruby's case "pretty"). You have 3 really good looking dogs there. Hopefully Otto just needs to outgrow his mouthiness. Obviously he was never taught as a puppy that his biting hurts. Bart and Ruby can probably help you out with "bite inhibition" once they play with him some more.

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now!!! :) Have a great Wednesday!

Elyse and Riley

Sage said...

Otto sure is a handsome boy! I agree with the others about yelping or saying 'ouch' and leaving. It's a learning process, as with everything else, but he'll catch on.

Val said...

Your new header is priceless and the shot of the 3 of them melts my heart.

I wonder if the issue is really Otto's way of exploring his place in the pack. Don't have a solution but what ever you decide to do--be consistent in your training. I think he'll be "over" this in no time. :)

Stacey said...

First things first - That new header picture is SO cute! Love those 3 blonde bums.
It took my Jess a good few weeks/months to settle in. I've had her 4 years now and I think I have finally got her to be the dog she would have been if I had her from a puppy and not a rescue. Keep at it! :-)

The Army of Four said...

Zimmie and I are kind of stuck on the fact that he comes when he's called. Ha woo.

KB said...

It sounds as if Otto is wonderful. And, way to go Bart, stepping up like that! It's fascinating to watch the dynamics in a group of dogs.

When Shyla doesn't "get it" that her games are actually not welcome, we tend to tether her right next to where we are with a toy to chew on. So, in your case, you might tether him to the bed (short tether) so he's right next to you but can't bite you. It can prevent their games from becoming habits. Just one idea...

Dexter said...

Otto is one lucky guy it seems like the pack is sorting itself out quickly. I don't have any tips on the arm nips, but it looks like some good ideas have already been posted.

Mango Momma

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Otto is fitting in snugly with Bart and Ruby - Wonderful!

On the bitey thing - when I was first adopted, I would grab Mom's arm when I was playing - my pressure was pretty firm and she would get bruises - she used the Ouch and yelp technique and if I didn't stop then would call me a Bully loudly, frown, stomp off and leave me in the yard. After a week of repeating this, I learned to mostly kept my mouth off her when playing and when I did grab her arm, my mouth was much softer - no more bruises.

Sounds like you got a few good ideas from others. Hope one of em works :)

Waggin at ya,

Leslie said...

Otto is so handsome - I'm glad he's working out so well.

Bella had the same problem when we got her - the "ouch" thing didn't work. Two things worked for me: 1) stop all play when she 'hurt' me (Bella and I still rough and tumble and she still uses her mouth but she has learned that she has to use a soft mouth or no play) and 2) time.

Bella didn't have siblings or a mom for very long so the idea that she would learn not to bite so hard from them just wasn't in her reality. But she learned what it meant to lose play privileges quick enough.

Good luck!