Monday, June 11, 2012

Laser Therapy

Yesterday the Publicist went to the human chiropractor.  After her adjustment she got a special 
Laser Treatment from the doctor's assistant:


Have a good week!!

-Bart and Ruby


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha Ha - your title really had us wondering - good one, Bart and Ruby:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD... is that covered under insurance??

Lorenza said...

That sure was an impressive laser treatment!
Happy Monday!
Kisses and hugs

Dachshund Nola said...


Berts Blog said...

Oh My Heck, That kitty looks, well, actually, kinda pretty cool.

My Vickie thinks she would like that kind of lazer treatment. I personally will pass...thank you

Pippen said...

GAH! We'd steer away from that laser treatment... that would give us nightmares, not to mention the heebie jeebies!

Sam and Pippen

Two French Bulldogs said...

Benny & Lily

GOOSE said...

WOW that is some special treatment.

GOOSE said...

WOW that is some special treatment.

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! That's some treatment!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Does that mean she feels better?

Bassetmomma said...

Gee, I sure hope that's covered! LOL!

Declan said...

Ooooh way too much like KC! Deccy x

The Black and Tans. said...

Chiropracter, oh you mean the Bone Cracker..... Ouch.

We loved your bandanas in the previous post, they look lovely against your furs.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Duke said...

haha - you guys are too funny! Thank you for the morning chuckle!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I use to go to the chiropractor 2 times a week!!! He did my old body a lot of good!!! I finally got out of pain so I could heel!
I LOVE the saying under your header!!!! I think my heat is pretty much all dog now a days!!! I have lost so many GOOD dogs!!!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Wow...I wonder what happens when you don't pay your bill?? :-)

Ina in Alaska said...


bbes tribe said...

you are so funny... had us going for a bit. really like your header picture too!!
ernie,sasha,chica,lucas,rosie and foster hadley

Dachshund Nola said...

Pee.S I've given you an award! You can find it at

WFT Nobby said...

That laser treatment looks very effective. I can feel it through the computer screen....

K9 Katastrophie said...



Pee.s. Hey I started The Blogville Chronicle and we are having a give-away in case your interested!

White Dog Blog said...

We bet that is a LOT less expensive than the laser therapy Quinn is getting for his back leg issues. Hope the Publicist is feeling some pain relief from her adjustment.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Treatment?!!! Looks like a laser attack from that evil cat.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Boston Lady said...

Love it! It's a special talent those black cats have... Ann TBL

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Too funny! Sorry we missed you!

Unknown said...

Ha! Ha! HA! Great joke! :-)

Been enjoying all your bandana pictures too!

Honey the Great Dane

Sage said...

LOL! I bet The Publicist can stare down any dog with those eyes!