Monday, September 26, 2011

The Worst Possible News...

On Friday, Gizmo was diagnosed with osteoscaroma.  Bone cancer.  He has a tumor in his right foreleg.  He isn't a candidate for amputation because he has a knee issue on his right back leg.  Not that Im sure we'd go that route anyway.  Numbered days are numbered days, afterall.  

So my beautiful, handsome, personable, larger than life, crazy, silly boy is not going to be around much longer.  We're doing pain management.  He seems comfortable.  

We are asking for the Power of the Paw to be sent to Gizmo to keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.  Gizmo has always made his needs known, so I feel confident that he'll let us know when it's time.  

He's not acting sick.  I don't think he feels "sick."  He's in pain.  So he's laying around, just being adorable. 

I know that this is part of having and loving a dog.  But Gizmo is not even 7 yet.  I'm just so, so sad...


Pippen said...

Our paws are crossed for you and Gizmo and the rest of the family.

Sam and Pippen

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this!

houndstooth said...

We are so sad, too! Shocked, really!

A lot of Greyhounds get osteo, so we've heard a lot about it. One thing you might want to have your vet do is to contact Dr. Cuoto at OSU, or contact him yourself. His e-mail is on their website. He deals mainly with Greyhounds, but he knows his stuff about osteo, and he is very generous with his time and advice. Honestly, if I had a dog diagnosed with osteo, I wouldn't amputate, either, but there are a lot of things that can be done to help him enjoy life and be safe.

Please know that we're thinking of you and Gizmo! Hugs and white light to both of you!

Bunny and Carrie

Robin said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry *hugs* and we will be sending good thoughts your way.

Mark said...

That poor baby.
This is very sad news on a Monday morning.
Take care.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to be hearing this. I've been exactly where you are now so I know what you're going through. Our Min Pin, Serena, also had that very same cancer in the very same leg. She wasn't a candidate for amputation either because her heart was failing her also. In addition, she was blind. She lived a very full, happy life in spite of all her disabilities for almost a year. Even then, the bone cancer didn't end her life....her failing heart did.

Take one day at a time and live it to the fullest.

Amber and Mom

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Oh I'm so sorry. Love and hugs to all of you.

All we ever really have is this present moment--sending you wishes that yours and Gizmo's may be filled with love and warmth.

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, I am so sorry to hear this. This is not the news that anyone wants to hear. Please, please, please give Gizmo a big hug on behalf of all your readers - and let us know what we can do to help in the coming days. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, I am so sorry to hear this. This is not the news that anyone wants to hear. Please, please, please give Gizmo a big hug on behalf of all your readers - and let us know what we can do to help in the coming days. :(

Anonymous said...

well crap...

we're very sorry. hope Gizmo (and you!) can enjoy the time he has left. posted a beautiful story about a little black dog... go read it if you get a chance.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh NO ... Sending Lots of Golden Thoughts. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

correction - it's

TimberLove said...

Woooos mates, so very sorry to hear this, please know we here will be sending all our pawsitive huskerboo vibes and prayers for Gizmo,

RA, Isis & nuknuk

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

My heart is so heavy. It's horrible to know we are losing a friend and it makes me so sad to know he is going out the exact same way my Maggie May did! Cancer SUCKS!

I just hope he is comfortable for as long as possible and gets to eat what ever he wants!!!

Sending love and prayers to your pack!

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to read this news :-( I was just getting to know my new cyber friend. Healing (comfort) drool being flung to Gizmo and the rest of the family.

Barbara said...

I am shocked to hear this. I am so sorry it is bad news. We will be praying hard that Gizmo never has any pain, and is able to spend lots of time with you still...

barbara, trixie, minnie and jeep

Backcountry Brodie said...

Oh noes! This is just horribull news. I know you is all spoiled rotten (how could a rott not be spoiled rotten I ask you?) but I think this warrants much more eggstra spoiling rotten fur Gizmo. Thinking good thoughts fur you buddy.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I am so sorry to hear of Gizmo's illness. Of course, we'll keep all paws and fingers crossed, mostly for a miracle recovery. In the cas of the lack of divine intervention we'll hope you and Gizmo are able to fully enjoy life and the time you have together.

Dandy Duke said...

Mom's eyes are already leaking.
Our paws are crossed for Gizmo.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Jill said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. Gizmo is a beautiful and loving soul. It is amazing how our lives are touched by these wonderful animals. Having lost Bumble this summer....I feel your pain. Thinking of you and knowing that this is so hard. Hugs to you and Gizmo.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed so so so so tightly fur Gizmo -

C sukhks...



Terrorzinhos said...

We are sooo sad to ear this!
Mommy has tears in her eyes...

We are sending lot's of good vibes your way, and we are praying for the best!
All paws and fingers crossed around here...

Cousin you're a strong guy, you can fight this!
Lots of licks!


Finn said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear. Hope that you can feel us thinking about you all!

jen said...

Oh....I am so sorry to read this about Gizmo. We are sending the Power of the Paw your way, and will keep you and Giz in our thoughts and prayers. HUGS:)

The Heartbeats said...

Oh no!! Power of the Paw from us to you!! Please keep us posted. Gizmo is so beautiful. Just so you know... if you are on Facebook, search Lester's Fund. Two local girls lost their dear Lester to bone cancer. As a result these sweet girls have formed a non-profit in his memory. I just thought you might be interested in checking it out.


Mamma Heartbeat

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just saw this at Creekhiker and are astounded. We had no idea you even had concerns about him. We hope that he has many more days ahead of him. We are so very sorry to hear this news. He is way too young and it just shouldn't happen anyway.

Hugs to you from us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom too

Two French Bulldogs said...

We hate hearing stuff like that. Our furry friend made it through chemotherapy with luckily no reactions
Sending all good vibes
Benny & Lily

HoundDogMom said...

We are just getting back in the swing of things after losing Cleo last week. We are so sorry to hear about Gizmo having that horrible C word. That word devastated our family 3 weeks ago and we feel your pain and what your family is going through. I have learned to enjoy ever minute with them and give them lots of hugs and kisses. We hope you are able to maintain his pain as well as your family works through this. Please know that I am thinking of your family and we send lots of DROOL and POWER OF THE PAW your way. Sniffs, The HoundDogs (Winston, Amiee, Cleo - ATB) and Mom

Anonymous said...

He will most certainly let you know when it's time. Handsome and Max each hobbled around not seeming to be in pain until the very last day which told us it was time. I still cry over both of our precious pups lost to osteosarcoma. I am so sad for you and with you as you spend time with Gizmo and just love on him and enjoy him day by day.

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. We hope and pray that Gizmo stays comfortable and out lives his prognosis!!

Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Oh Gizmo! The power of the paw is yours!

I so look forward to visits from you, Bart and Ruby.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Corbin said...

Oh no... I'm so sorry to be reading this... my paws are crossed for Gizmo... I hope he's able to have pain free days and enjoy the rest of his time with you.

brooke said...

So sorry to hear this! Our thought are with you and Gi0zmo!
Sending big hugs and giant Dane kisses from Seattle!

The Life of Riley said...

I'm so sorry. Sending you and Gizmo love and hugs from New Zealand.

Stella said...

Hi Rotties!

Our very best thoughts and prayerful wishes for recovery are coming your way. Gizmo is so beautiful its just so sad to think of losing him soon.

I am not one for dramatic treatments and for allowing dogs to suffer a lengthy time. But I do hope things work out well for Gizmo and that he can enjoy more time with his pack.

Prayers and good wishes,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

George The Lad said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news, paws crossed and positive vibes from across the pond
Love and Hugs George and Jan xxx

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

To Dear Gizmo's family, we had exactly the same cancer with our great dane Oscar. We send you all our best wishes for Gizmo. If you need to speak please contact us on e mail (its on our profile page on our blog). Take care all.
Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Dis news makes me so very sad. My paws is crossed fur my furiend Gizmo and I am sendin' him lots of boxer puppy prayers. Mom is sendin' her prayers to him too.

Maggie Mae and mom

Ruby and Penny said...

We are sad too. Sending tonnes of doxie feel good rayz his way. Hope you can keep him happy & comfortable for a long time.
Hugs to all.
Love Ruby & Penny

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I am shocked and so very sad to read this. Poor Gizmo and poor you. Words can't help much but I think it is a comfort to know that others are sharing your pain, and I am having lost a dearly loved 4 legged family member recently.

I know you will ensure Gizmo's time left with you is as happy and pain free as possible and when it's time to leave he will go with dignity and knowing he is so very much loved. Thinking of you all, love Sue, Beryl and Frankie.

H Ski said...

So sorry to hear about this. We know you will keep him comfortable and happy. We will keep your family in our thoughts

Jen said...

I am so sorry to hear this news- it brings tears to my eyes and leaves me heartbroken for you. Gizmo is way too young to be suffering with this horrible disease! Lots of love and thoughts coming your way as well as hopes that you can manage his pain for a long time!!!

Hugs, prayers and gentle labby kisses to you...

Jen and the Black Dog Crew

Donna said...

I loves u, fella. {{{Gizmo}}}

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Sweet Furends,
This news about Gizmo just breaks my heart. I will have my paws TIGHTLY crossed fur ALL of you. I know that Gizmo will be very well cared fur and Loved beyond measure.

Unknown said...

Oh no we are so sorry to hear about this. We sned lots of purrs and woofs from our crew.

Anonymous said...

Big hugs and puppy kisses


Unknown said...

Oh dear, the news really break our hearts. Gizmo is so young and beautiful. We feel the pain and words can't describe our sadness.

All our fingers and paws are crossed tightly for Gizmo and all of you. Hugs!!

Berts Blog said...

Oh Giz Buddy, this is not good. I just don't have any words for you right now.
My heart is breaking.
I love ya dude

fromsophiesview said...

So sorry to hear about Gizmo... life is so unfair...please take care of yourselves and you know we are all hear for you!!!!

Jim said...

Words always seem so useless when something like this happens. I know Gizmo will be in good hands.....yours. He knows that too and you are correct, he will let you know.
We are thinking about him and you and sending very positive energy from the eastern shore of Nova Scotia.

bbes tribe said...

That really sucks! A hard time Gizmo is lucky to be with such a loving pack. He is VERY handsome and we agree with what Jim said.
Love and paws crossed for all of you.
Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas & M

Sue said...

It breaks my heart to read this. It takes me right back to when Monty was diagnosed. You and Gizmo are in our thoughts. Give him a hug from us at the Portie Blog.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for you and for Gizmo. We are sending Gizmo all our best wishes and prayers. Keep fighting and keep hoping!

Your pal, Pip

Kylie and Jimmy said...

Oh Golly... we just found out about your sad sad news. We are keeping our paws crossed for Gizmo and we are sure you are making his time the best a pup could ask for!
We are thinking of you all!
Licks & Puppy Kisses,
Kylie & Jimmy
And Mommy too

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I know you heart is breaking!
I am sad too..
The power of the paw will circle Gizmo and you,,,in love.
In my doggy prayers I will ask that Gizmo stay pain free,
I am so sorry this has happened.
It just is not fair

Linda@VS said...

I'm so sad to hear this news about your beautiful Gizmo. Having lost my own Kadi a few short months ago, I know how much it hurts to know your time with your boy will be shorter than expected. As others have said, he will let you know when it's time, so at least that decision won't be all on you. Just love him extra hard between now and then.

Infrequent Flyers said...

My heart breaks for you. Wishing you clarity during this difficult time.

Jasmine said...

Hi Gizmo. We have never met, but I heard about your dire circumstances from Mango, and wanted to wish you well. My 10yr old Sheltie brother has inoperable tumors, so we know the difficult time you and your family are facing. Best wishes and

Puppy Love,
Jasmine the Baby Dane

KB said...

My heart fell to my feet when I read your title. Oh no - that is truly terrible news. I'm glad that Gizmo feels good now. I know that you are showering him in love. I am so very very sorry to hear your news.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We are devastated to read about Gizmo! We're so very, very sorry and we will keep him and your family in our prayers. Mama has been through this with several Danes, so she knows just how much this sucks. It doesn't seem to be painful, thank goodness, although he'll probably start limping eventually. Mama did what you're doing: try to make sure your baby enjoys every day to the max. And, of course, spoil him. Mama bought strawberries in January and Dunkin Doughnut's doughnut holes for one Dane who loved both, and finally got to eat her fill. Our hearts ache with you.

Jed & Abby and mama ML

Lindsay said...

Our thoughts are with you and my crew and I are sending as many positive thoughts as we can that you guys have as many quality days as possible!! Hugs!!

MurphyDog said...

oh gosh! Mom's been out of town and just saw your post.

She lost both her previous Danes to Osteosarcoma...its a terrible disease.

We'll be sending lots of slobbers & prayers over for Gizmo and the rest of his family.

wags, wiggles & slobbers

Declan said...

Hi, I'm Declan, a greyhound from the UK. I heard your bad news from Mango and just called by to send you good greyhound vibes. Deccy x

Anonymous said...

OMD! I'm soooo sorry. Gizmo is such a charmer and I'm sick over this. Please give him lots of smooches from Juno and and "aggrrrhhh" from Loki who's very upset about it.

Anonymous said...

That is just not fair. We are keeping all of you in our most positive thoughts. Sending you strength and love. This just really bites.

The Roo Family

Just Ramblin' said...

So sorry to hear about your news. Gizmo is so adorable. Love with all your heart, hold nothing back, treat each moment as it very special and a gift. Our pups bring so much to our world. We will be thinking of you and Gizmo.

Mack said...

We are so so sad to hear this news. Please know you are in our prayers. We send you lots of love and kisses,

Mack & Mom

Levi said...

This just stinks!
I am so sad to hear this news about my furiend Gizmo. My paws are crossed and mom said you are all in her prayers. We are thinking of you.
Sending love and licks,
Levi (and mom)

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Our pryers are with you!

SissySees said...

Cry. We don't even really know you, but we've loved (and lost) a Rottie too, and ...

Crossed paws and prayers.

Shmoo said...

Whatever decision you make is ultimately in the best interest of your pup, but I wanted you to be aware of a great group of people at Tripawds ( who are very knowledgable and compassionate in case you want some resources. Additionally, an amputation and assist from a cart would still provide him with fantastic quality of life. Regardless, the Gimpy dogs gang (Meeshka, Sam, Loki) send their prayers and support if needed (

Unknown said...

Hi im new to your blog - mango sent us over. Im very sorry for the horrible news. We send our prayers and good thoughts over to you. Fred (bloodhound) was recently diagnosed with epilepsy at only the age of 4 and it broke my heart so i cant imagine what you are going through.

HoundDogMom said...

Morning, hope things are going okay for your crew. This is probably the last thing on your mind right know but we seen on the Paws for Peace blog that you were the winners of the Dog Puzzle package, but we don't remember getting an email about your address. Did you get an invoice and stuff. If you can send me your addy I can get them in the mail to you, I don't want you think I was forgetting about who won the prize. HoundDogMom (Sherri) email: hounddogmomDOTjeakinsATgmailDOTcom

Auntie Cheryl said...

So sorry to hear about Gizmo. You can count on my prayers for him and your family. Lost my grand dog, Asia, a Rottie, to cancer as well in March. She was just 6 and was so brave. Only lasted from a Tuesday to Sunday. She was kept comfortable to the end never complaining. That is the best you can do for Gizmo, keep him pain free, and love him every minute of every day you have with him. God's gift to you.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

We are so sad to hear about Gizmo :( We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers and maybe through the power of the paw a miracle can happen.

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

D.K. Wall said...

So sorry to hear the news, Gizmo. Lots and lots of paws crossed here at Chez Herd for comfort and quality time.

Ms. ~K said...

Oh No, I can only imagine what you are going through right now!
Sending pawsitive thoughts, prayers and a hug to Mom!!!!

DianeTaylor said...

Hi Gizmo - I heard this very sad news on Mango's blog and had to come and comment. Oh my - lately Mango has posted so many sad stories about sickies in younger dogs, I can hardly stand it. I have never met you Gizmo - but me and my chocolate lab Indy want to send our very best wishes to you and your humans as they help you enjoy the time here on earth. I hope it's a LONG time - and that you are not in too much pain.

So very sorry, I will keep checking the blog for updates.

Slobbery kisses from Indy and a hug from a stranger

~The Taylors in Baltimore Maryland~

Tucker said...

This is very sad news indeed. My cousin Max was a rottie that had bone cancer, started in his toes - lived to be 13 (3 years with cancer & there were toe amputations). My other cousin rottie cousin Cali was diagnosed late with bone cancer in her back femur. When they looked back at old xrays the cancer was there 2 years prior to diagnosis, the vet missed it :( She was not a candidate for amputation because of her previous knee surgeries too. But she lived for another year after diagnosis to 9, so both rotties lived for 3 years with cancer. It is such terrible news for Gizmo but I wanted to let you know that from our experience Rotties are very tough and both had 3 good years after diagnosis. Let's hope Gizmo exceeds that!

woof - Tucker

The Boston Lady said...

So sorry to hear about Gizmo's diagnosis. It is even more sad for such a young dog, but thankfully it sounds like his pain will be managed well. Gizmo, may you beat the odds and stick around for a few more happy years. Ann TBL

Alien said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, Gizmo.


Marjie said...

Oh, your poor baby. I don't know whether it's worse for you waiting to lose him, or the way we lost Thor. You know I am crying right along with you for this wonderful, happy boy of yours.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are sending our most powerful vibes to Gizmo....hoping to keep the pain away for as long as possible. We know you'll treasure the time you have left.

Kendra has just been diagnosed with a huge tumour of some sort, so we'll probably be going the same way.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Gizmo, we were visiting Mango and we found out about you having cancer. We're real sorry to hear this. Cancer really sucks. We purring for you and your family.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Thanks for stoppin' Gizmo.

I stopped yesterday to leave you a message to stop for your award today. I forgot when I read your news.

Hope y'all forgive me.

Power of the Paw to you Gizmo.

Sniffs and wags,
Hawk aka BrownDog

White Dog Blog said...

Gizmo and family, feel our paws and arms wrap around you in comfort and solace. We join with all of our community in focusing the Power of the Paw on sending strength to face the days ahead with dignity and love. The White Dog Army woos positive thoughts and warrior energy to you. Know we fight at your side.

Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to make this less painful. We are here...and care.

You asked how To make a donation: you can either go to and click donation button. You can still use the widget on our sidebar. Or you can send a check made out to 2 Million Dogs organization and send it to us, White Dog Army Sehi-Smith, 204 Hermosa Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

Please send us your favorite photo of Gizmo so that we can add him to our electronic Tribute to Hero Warriors, those who remind us why we keep Walking to end cancer. May the Universe bless you with peace.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are sending healing purrs to Gizmo and of course we all has our paws crossed for him. We purrs that Gizmo gets to spend as much time as possible with you and know every second you have together will be treasured.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! *hugs*

-Dr. Liz and family

Piappies World said...

We read about you through Creekhiker and Mango. We are sorry to read about the news. You seem so energetic and full of life. We have all the piappies paws crossed for you and your family.

Sending you all our hugs and positive thoughts.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Bailey Be Good! said...

I am speechless, and that's not easy for me. Keeping all of you in my daily thoughts and prayers. Biggest woofs and hugs! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

That phrase has me crying!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness – please ignore our stupid question in our last comment! I had no idea. I'm absolutely devastated. I just can't believe it, looking at these pictures of Gizmo – he looks so handsome and happy and full of life. Having a breed myself that is plagued by osteosarcoma, I can relate to the constant fear and worry of that terrible word. It is just not fair. He is so young still. I'm sorry – I'm just saying stupid things because I don't really know what to say. I know you will do more than possible to make his time comfortable and happy – and I guess the best comfort is that the dogs themselves don't know or understand, so they don't have the kind of stress like we do. I'm sure Gizmo feels the love coming from you and feels secure and happy, even if he has some discomfort. We'll be thinking of him every day and rooting for him to fight – from the other comments here, it looks like many rotties have amazing spirits and defy the diagnosis for many years – were hoping with everything that Gizmo will do the same.


The Thuglets said...

We are absolutely shocked. We have been missing for a few days.

We are sending lots of pawsative thoughts and airezen for Gizmo.

Extra Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

FiveSibesMom said...

I am tearing up reading this. I am so sorry. Words escape me. Prayers and a pawcircle of love and healing coming to Gizmo, and lots of hugs (Husky & human) to you. May his days be filled with love, laughter, and joy; and may those days be long and pain free. My heart goes out to you. I am going to reach out & do a pawcircle of healing and have all send Gizmo positive vibes. Gizmo, may you keep on smiling that gorgeous Rottie smile...

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

I am sending hugs from California. Dang it, why can't they just stay young and healthy forever?