Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Calling Australia

Bella?  Roxy??

Can you hear me now??

I was SO bored waiting to go
for my walk,
I thought I'd go to visit 
who, it seems, get to walk EVERY Morning!!!


If you can't see my movie, click here...

Friday, February 14, 2014

See Beautiful!!

I never would have gone to the beach on a Friday in December if it hadn't been for Otto.  Look what I would have missed:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WOO-HOO!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you...

by Otto

I'm just one happy guy!!

If you can't see the video, or you want to see it BIG, 
click here.

We had nearly 100 comments in
my comment-a-thon!!

If you didn't notice, Goose's
MOM matched our donation and
Bert's Vickie kicked in an
additional .50 cents for each comment!!

We all raised a grand total of
$250.00 for St. Anne's!!

Thank you, my friends!! 

Life is good for the Otto!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

It's My First Gotcha Day - and Comment-a-thon!!!

by Otto

 Hey!!  It's my first Gotcha Day!!

I've been living here at Chez RottRover
for a whole year now!

photo by CreekHiker
You may have forgotten that I was once a homeless doggie.  I was wandering the streets until I came upon a house where I knew doggies lived and I sat nicely at the front gate until someone let me in.  They fed me, they took me to the vet (I weighed 75 pounds) and they found a rescue that would help me find my forever home. 

It was scary and lonely living on the street as a homeless doggie.  THAT'S WHY I'M HAVING A 

You better leave a comment!!

For every comment left from now until Tuesday morning at MIDNIGHT, PST, we will donate a 
whole dollar to
St Anne's Center, in Ogden Utah.  

See, St. Anne's is a shelter for homeless humans that allows them to bring their pets with them to the shelter!!  And a human shelter is wwaaaaayy different from a dog shelter.  The humans get foodables, a bed, and help with other things like finding a job or more permanent housing. 

Lots of humans won't go to a shelter because they don't want to give up their pet.  Lots of doggies and kitties end up in shelters because their humans can no longer pay for housing.  St. Anne's believes in keeping the whole family together.  Like me, they believe in the healing strength of family.  

St Anne's provided over 78,000 meals to adults last year.  No one is ever turned away.  

I wasn't turned away and it changed my life!

Please leave a comment!

It's MY Gotcha Day, after all!!

me, weighing in at 105 :-)

And I am one happy dog!!
